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Keep Calm And Join SCoVE!

Keep calm and join SCoVE!

A bit about me: I love teaching people! I love whiteboards! I am the new SCoVE chair and a fourth year student at The University of Bristol, UK, and I own a Red-footed tortoise, called Zack.

A month ago, when I heard the news about me getting the position, I jumped out of my seat in happiness, but then I was like ‘ahhh’. I said ‘I really hope I can make Fanis proud  (our founding chair) and keep improving SCoVE’.

I did get the butterflies!

I was nervous about something I really wanted and 5 minutes later I started on my SCoVE work. I think most of the time as vet students, we do try so hard for something and we get stressed. I hope that SCoVE can provide support for students in combatting stress and advice on placements as well etc.

I am super excited to share my enthusiasm on education of all veterinary related subjects, to support my fellow undergraduate students and postgraduates. It is so important to be aware of all the alternative subjects and to be open minded to all new things coming into the veterinary world, such as business management, public health and one health etc.

One of the new upcoming projects that I’m currently working on is the ‘Vet Career Map’- which is a presentation on details on all the available careers for graduates. I am so excited about it! We also have the new VET Talks project- with an array of short online lectures- in collaboration with Wikivet.

So far, daily I have been updating the social media sites and websites, sending out newsletters, sorting out applications, sending emails and writing letters, and having meetings. Not only this, I was lucky enough that ExCo kindly sent me away to Italy to represent IVSA at the NEAT Conference! It was an awesome experience and I networked with various organizations from which I hope something will come up.

By the way, I am currently sitting by my laptop eagerly anticipating more and more SCoVE applications. Life is too short to worry, so just go for it! We are going to be a great team together!


If you don’t know what SCoVE is and want some information, then have a look on our SCoVE Blog and EDU+ sites:

SCoVE Blog:


SCoVE Facebook page:

EDU+ Facebook page:

Dr. Lisa Leiner

Frau Dr. Lisa Leiner ist promovierte Tierärztin, Diplom Biologin mit dem Schwerpunkt Verhaltensphysiologie und Psychologie, Autorin, Referentin und Coach.
Bis 2019 lag ihr Hauptaugenmerk als Gründerin und Geschäftsführerin von VetStage in der Personalberatung und -akquise im Namen von Kollegen und Kolleginnen.
Zwischen 2019 und 2023 verstärkte sie das Team um Tierarzt Plus Partner im Bereich HR. Hier war sie nicht nur für die Akquise von Tierärztinnen, Tierärzten und TFA verantwortlich, sondern auch für den Aufbau verschiedener Projekte (Berufseinsteigerprogramm, Praktikantenprogramm und andere). Seit 2024 ist Dr. Leiner als selbstständige Beraterin und Trainerin in den Bereichen Personal, Kommunikation und Resilienz tätig.

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