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IVSA DAD´s Christmas Post

IVSA DAD´s Christmas post

Dearest Collegues,

Christmas is just around the corner and many of us are running around with their last-minute Christmas shopping list (not me—I haven’t even started searching for Christmas gifts- opps!) I have, however, been busy making students happy in other places around the world by organising their internships with the MAH grant scholarships. Although it’s not exactly a Christmas present, there are some students who will be enjoying their Christmas in a new country doing veterinary medicine there, and I’m sure that would some Christmas joy into their lives!

Another reason to be in Christmas cheer is that I have begun organising the DF project for Bangladesh. They were one of the winners of the Development Fund for 2015, and need different equipment for their clinics. We are still looking for a company who can aid us with this, and perhaps we will need the help of two different companies to meet their needs.

About other things I’ve been up to – well, I have been having rotations at a zoo- which has been a wonderful experience for me. The website has finally been updated thanks to Malcolm’s help, so if you have time- check it out! I’m helping Ann-Katrin (the MOD) by aiding with the final preparations of the Vetstage so that it will be perfect for our members when it is lauched. So excited- It will be LEGEN… (wait for it)… DARY! 😀

Symposium in Taiwan is coming up, so preparations for everything is underway- with the presentations, bylaw amendments (don’t you just love them?), workshops and of course the auctions!

So I would like to finish up this blog post by wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas, and hope to see you soon in Taiwan!

Dr. Lisa Leiner

Frau Dr. Lisa Leiner ist promovierte Tierärztin, Diplom Biologin mit dem Schwerpunkt Verhaltensphysiologie und Psychologie, Autorin, Referentin und Coach.
Bis 2019 lag ihr Hauptaugenmerk als Gründerin und Geschäftsführerin von VetStage in der Personalberatung und -akquise im Namen von Kollegen und Kolleginnen.
Zwischen 2019 und 2023 verstärkte sie das Team um Tierarzt Plus Partner im Bereich HR. Hier war sie nicht nur für die Akquise von Tierärztinnen, Tierärzten und TFA verantwortlich, sondern auch für den Aufbau verschiedener Projekte (Berufseinsteigerprogramm, Praktikantenprogramm und andere). Seit 2024 ist Dr. Leiner als selbstständige Beraterin und Trainerin in den Bereichen Personal, Kommunikation und Resilienz tätig.

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