IVSA Secretary General & Vice-President
Hi everyone!
I am writing this post from my hostel room in Brussels. I am currently attending the General Assembly of the ‘Federation of Veterinarians of Europe’ as the IVSA representative. In this post, I’ll focus a bit on what I’m doing at events like these so you get a better idea of how those travel costs in the budget actually hugely benefit IVSA. FVE is divided up in 4 sections, EVERI being one of them.
EVERI stands for European Veterinarians in Education, Research and Industry. IVSA is a member of EVERI and there is an MoU between us as well. Twice a year, the IVSA representative presents IVSA activities of that year to the section. Last year, I gave the presentation both times and I gave the presentation again last Thursday. This time, I’ve focused a lot on explaining the work of our Standing Committee on Veterinary Education (SCoVE), the IVSA Animal Welfare Conference and the Development Fund. It is always great to see how interested organizations such as FVE are in our work as IVSA. The veterinarians often mention how impressed they are with all the work that we do as a
student organization and that they admire our never ending energy and enthusiasm.
Besides presenting on IVSA activities, I listen closely to other presentations. EVERI invites different speakers every year to discuss their projects within education, research or industries related to veterinary medicine. These presentations as well as the presentations by EVERI and FVE themselves are a great source of inspiration and spark ideas of projects IVSA can set up.
During meetings such as the GA of FVE, representatives from different countries as well as international organizations come together and it makes for a very effective networking platform. I get to speak to representatives from universities, national veterinary organizations as well as international organizations. What do I aim for when I speak with all these different people?
Representatives from universities and national organizations: I talk to them about IVSA in different ways.If they already have an IVSA: I always try to name some of the students that I have met at different events (Yes, we talk about you and you don’t even know it!) to show the representatives that their students are active in IVSA. For example; Guilio, Tomi, Anne Christine, Arvid, you’ve been talked about at FVE and EAEVE events 😉 . I explain what IVSA does exactly if they aren’t very familiar yet and give examples of projects organized by local MOs. This way, I hope to motivate them to get in contact with the local MOs in their country and help them where they can. Or, if they don’t have a local MO, try to motivate them to reach out to students to set up a local MO.
Representatives from international organizations: I talk to them about IVSA Global. If they are familiar with IVSA, I update them about our activities last year. I try to find out what projects their organization has set up and which areas they focus on. While talking to them, we come up with projects to collaborate on and that is how relationships are started.
So that’s what I’ve been doing the last few days. I feel blessed to have had opportunities to speak to vets all over the world last year and now this year again and I always try to make them excited about IVSA. Over the last few weeks I’ve been busy with a ton of projects as well as my Secretary General Tasks such as setting up the ExCo meetings, writing the minutes and making the agenda. Next blog post I’ll go more into detail about all the projects I’ve worked on!
Big hugs and can’t wait to see some of you guys in Taiwan!