Seriously Working!
The last time I posted a blog, I did not have much to say, because back then I had only some plans and ideas. But know, things have changed quite a bit. We had our second live meeting in Thessaloniki,…
The last time I posted a blog, I did not have much to say, because back then I had only some plans and ideas. But know, things have changed quite a bit. We had our second live meeting in Thessaloniki,…
Eine Kollegin erzählte mir vor einiger Zeit die Geschichte Ihrer Schwangerschaft in der Kleintierpraxis, in welcher sie gearbeitet hatte. Diese war wie folgt: Sie, Anfang 30, in einer festen Beziehung, arbeitete bereits einige Zeit in einer Kleintierpraxis mit 4 weiteren…
Being part of an international team is awesome! One important lesson I have learnt is 'Listening means tailoring'. The SCoVE team is quite diverse and we have a team member from each continent - that IVSA exists in yet. We…
Auswandern, um die berufliche Karriere voranzutreiben, ist in der Wirtschaft mittlerweile gang und gäbe. Doch auch in anderen Branchen sind die Chancen im Ausland hoch – Tierärzte aus der DACH-Region verschlägt es beispielsweise immer häufiger nach Skandinavien, speziell Schweden und…
The last time I wrote my blog post, I was just starting this year of being a Secretary for IVSA Global. In the past months I experienced that it’s not always as easy as it seems. The first thing I’m…
Deutschlandweite Umfrage praktizierender Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte im Januar und Februar 2016 Ziel: Steigerung der Arbeitszufriedenheit Praktiker im Wandel, warum? Je zufriedener eine Person mit ihrer Arbeit ist, desto leistungsfähiger und produktiver ist sie. Fehlzeiten verringern sich, und auch die…
Happy New Year to you all!!! As I sit behind my laptop screen to be a keyboard warrior, I look out at the view over the pretty Drakensberg Mountains in South Africa. I remind myself of what an incredible and…
To my colleagues around the globe, I hope you enjoyed a peaceful holiday with family and friends. With the holidays behind us, the New Year is before us, with resolutions, improvements, and goals on our mind. As IVSA ERO, my…
When I think about my job as MOD, the first thing that comes to my mind is how much I love being in contact with so many people from around the globe. Everything feels so unreal sometimes: I am a…
Dearest Collegues, Christmas is just around the corner and many of us are running around with their last-minute Christmas shopping list (not me—I haven’t even started searching for Christmas gifts- opps!) I have, however, been busy making students happy in other places…